Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Stroll

Well, after snow on Friday and sunny but coollldd temps is paradise! I could actually go outside with only a sweater on this afternoon. Not for very long, but for awhile.

Yesterday was a fun day. Trini, Ed, Joe, Niko and I all went for a walk around town, and we were joined by Kaylee L. our neighbor girl. Jacob stayed home as he was running a fever. (He's still a bit sick today, but better!)

I used the opportunity to take a ton of pix with my new camera as we wandered the streets! I got some awesome pix and will have to start considering posting them someplace like flicker.

The message at church today was good, it was on how we should give of ourselves in service to the Lord. I was moved by this message and it has caused me to reflect on ways I can do more for my family and my community.

Well, that's all for now. I may add more today, but don't think I will, as I am getting a headache, my throat hurts and my left ear is yet again..aching.. .arrghhhhh Alllerggiiieess!! =)

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